Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Correct English Bulldog Puppy (2024)

Our Ultimate Guide To Selecting the Right English Bulldog Puppy
First Things First 🙂
At Bruiser Bulldogs we like to take a macro approach to understanding our adoption process. That’s how we view whether our bulldog and adopter relationships are eventually “good”, “bad” or somewhere in between those extremes. After health, the most important factor within an English Bulldog puppy and an adopter relationship is personality. Every Bulldog will be the perfect dog for a family. That doesn’t mean that they are the perfect dog for every family. It is extremely important to understand each specific bulldog personality and also the family they potentially could be paired with.
Understanding English Bulldog Puppys’ Personalities
Appropriate personality fit can avoid disasters such as placing a low-energy English Bulldog puppy in a high-energy household. It also avoids placing a dominant Bulldog in the home of a 65-year-old, empty nest couple with another dominant dog. Most often, the way personality fit affects homes will not be as obvious.
The grey area of personality fit is where we currently focus. A family might like their dog but never reach the ultimate bond of human and canine companionship. They can be held back by personality compatibility but never realize it. In this type of reality, we are not only seeking to avoid adoption disasters but also improve adopter/bulldog relationships on the margins that might not be cognizant in the first place. Sometimes you simply don’t know what you haven’t experienced. It is our job to spread awareness about how impactful a harmonious personality fit can really be between an adopter and their canine companion.
“Before scrolling down this page, please check out more articles about Bruiser Bulldog’s breeding program.”
1. Get to know the Wysongs – owners behind Bruiser Bulldogs
2. Bruiser Bulldogs Puppy Socialization Program
3. Healthy Genetics – Bruiser Bulldogs Focus on healthy bloodlines
We start improving adoption fit by understanding each bulldog and its individual personality. We do this through a process called personality profiling. Essentially, personality profiling is taking physical notes of each puppy’s characters that begin to show up around 2 weeks of age. We track characteristics like energy, confidence, and dominance levels that are typically consistent throughout the life of the bulldog. We use these characteristics to build a model that projects what type of bulldog eventually the puppy will become. The process does take a considerable amount of time and energy, but we believe it is well worth the effort.
Finding Families
Once we have built a personality profile and understand the characteristics of each English Bulldog puppy, it is all about finding families that are good matches. During our interview process, we focus on dynamics like existing dogs, age of adopters, and the number of children. Essentially, we create an adopter profile that we can compare to our puppy’s personalities and make appropriate recommendations. Ultimately, each family has the ability to choose the puppy they like, but the decision is an informed one with the background of information that we provide.
We challenge you to compare the Bruiser Bulldog personality profiling process to that of a pet store or backyard breeder that is simply “selling puppies”. The models of these types of operations focus on maximizing puppies out the door and sales. There is little to no consideration about personality fit because the focus has very little to do with maximizing adoption success. Eventually, this type of model will go out of style. Adopters are beginning to learn that purchasing a puppy is complicated. As responsible English Bulldog Breeders, we believe personality profiling is the key to improving bulldog/adopter relationships for long-term success.
Check Out our Available Puppies Here