Coccidia and Giardia in Your Puppy: A Complete Guide

Coccidia and Giardia in Your Puppy: A Complete Guide

Who we are and why we are the authority on bulldog health issues

We have devoted the last 15 years to improving the health of the English Bulldog breed in the United States. Instead of following the current unhealthy breed standards, we set out to change the breed for the better, focusing on lighter wrinkles, slightly longer snouts and extensive health testing. Through years of dedication we have been able to significantly improve the health characteristics within our bloodlines and give hope to the breed that health improvements are possible. Along the way, we have also become thought leaders in proper bulldog training, care and behavioral studies.

Designed for survival

If your puppy tests positive for a parasite – most commonly coccidia or giardia, you are probably wondering how an infection like this is possible, who or what is to blame, and what the best treatment is.  It’s quite the surprise to suddenly learn your sweet pup could be infected with an intestinal parasite.  The following information outlines how a parasite like coccidia or giardia behaves and the best treatments to eliminate them from your pup’s intestinal tract.

The first truth to remember is that the parasitic – canine relationship is slightly more normalized than our 1st world minds like to admit.  Intestinal parasites and canines have existed for thousands of years together.  Parasites – due to their unique lifecycle are designed to survive and thrive in mammals like dogs and rely on their host to continue their species life cycle.  This isn’t to say we want to ignore a positive parasite test, rather understand that parasite treatment is a normal part of every responsible breeder.     

Check Out Our Instructional Video About Giardia and Coccidia

The Intestinal Parasite Life Cycle

Giardia and Coccidia

Intestinal parasites like giardia and coccidia participate in a circle of life that relies on a mammal host like a dog.  The cycle begins often when an adult dog ingests parasitic cysts from a blade of grass, water, or really any host organism in the outdoors. Consumed feces, infected water dishes and blades of grass are common locations where dogs ingest parasitic cysts.  The cysts move to the intestinal tract where they transform into Trophozoites which is their feeding and reproductive stage. During this time period the adult Trophozoite duplicate and multiply.  After the reproductive stage most Trophozoite return to their cyst stage and leave the intestinal tract via feces with the goal of infecting another animal.  Further, some consumed cysts never leave the intestinal tract and only release during the nursing phase of a female dog with newborn puppies.  The puppies are then infected through milk supply.  

Other Parasites

Other parasitic worms like tapeworms and roundworms follow a very similar life cycle as coccidia and giardia but are often not as resistant to medication and are much easier to eliminate.

A Responsible Breeder’s Tension with Coccidia and Giardia Puppy Management

The simplest way to eliminate parasites from a puppy is treatment and isolation.  In fact, in an isolated and sterile environment the spread of parasites would theoretically be eliminated.  This looks like cold, drop deck wire cages where puppies sit alone from one another.  Naturally, this type of environment goes against many of our socialization and environmental values that we have as a responsible breeder.  As an ethical bulldog breeder, we want our puppies and adult bulldogs to engage, play and be mentally stimulated by one another.  This means that littermates will always interact and live amongst one another along with their mother.  We create these types of environments because we care about the social and mental development of our bulldogs.  A social bulldog is a happy bulldog!  Isolation should not ever be used as a tool to reduce parasites.  While this is the most effective strategy for parasite management, the mental development of bulldog puppies comes first.  Instead, timing and a correct preventative medication should be utilized to eliminate parasites like giardia and coccidia.

Bruiser Bulldog’s Step by Step Solution to Eliminate Coccidia and Giardia.

By far the most important factor is risk reduction.  Infection hotspots like consumed feces and infected water dishes need to be eliminated.  We understand that a clean environment leads to a reduction of parasitic infection risk.  By maintaining a clean environment our bulldogs naturally run a lower risk of reinfection.  Cleanliness is important!

  1. Timely, Comprehensive Parasite Prevention Treatment

The main parasites that affect puppies and adult dogs are the following: roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and the two most commonly stubborn parasites – giardia and coccidia.  Because such a wide range of potential parasites exists, an effective prevention plan includes multiple “modes of action”.  

The following medications are useful in an effective parasite treatment plan

Pyrantel: Safe for puppies under 6 weeks old.  Treats roundworms and hookworms

Toltrazuril: Specializes in Coccidia treatment.  Albon is also used to treat coccidia but from our 15 years of experience is appears toltrazuril is superior. 

Fenbendazole: Treats a wide variety of parasites.  Is for more mature puppies.  Effective against roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, whipworms and tapeworms as well as semi effective against Giardia.

Metronidazole: Effective against giardia

Metro/Fenbendazole: Very effective against giardia

The key to an effective treatment plan is using the correct medication at the correct time.  Many parasites (coccidia and giardia) are cyst-like in nature during certain portions of their life cycle and are immune to treatments during this time.  Only consistent, multi-week treatment plans can effectively eliminate these types of parasites.   The following is our current puppy and adult treatment plan:


Week 2, 4, and 6 – Pyrantel (1 dose)

Week 7 and 9 – Metronidazole/Fenbendazole (5 days)

When the puppy goes home – Metronidazole/Fendbendazole (We send medication home with our adopters because often the stress of the ride home activates cysts in the intestinal tract and is a perfect time to medicate).

Week 6 and 10 – Toltrazuril (1-3 days)

Adult Bulldogs

Odd months of the year – Toltrazuril

Even months of the year – Metronidazole/Fenbendazole

As you can see there is quite a bit of effort and orderliness in effectively preventing parasites like coccidia and giardia in puppies.  Our goal is to never send a puppy home that is infected with a parasite.  By nature, these parasites are sometimes difficult to entirely eliminate if their cyst form stay attached to the intestinal tract for long periods of time.  The random nature of this behavior adds to the difficulty of treatment.  

The Correct Stool Sample is Vital!

When a puppy goes to their new adopter home a vet check with an accompanied stool sample is usually required.  During this process it is important to remember there are two very different types of stool samples.  

Fecal Float Test

A normal fecal float is standard during the initial puppy exam.  

During a fecal float, your puppy’s feces will be placed under a microscope and analyzed for cysts that indicate infection.  This type of test effectively detects ACTIVE infection of a parasite.  A fecal test is an important and vital test to ensure that the breeder( Bruiser Bulldogs!) has effectively eliminated all parasites from your puppy.  We support this type of parasite test as it is important to double check and ensure a parasite did not slip past our prevention plan.

Antigen Test: Commonly called an Eliza or PCR test

On rare occasions a vet will improperly use an Antigen test for parasite detection.  An antigen test tracks the parasite history of the animal by detecting trace elements of parasites in the pup’s intestinal tract from up to 6 months in the past.  It is important to note that the test records positive for parasites “antigens” that are detected regardless if this was a past or active infection.  An antigen test is an inaccurate and unreliable test to give to a young puppy that has already undergone a rigorous parasite prevention plan.  It is assumed that almost all puppies have been at some point infected by a parasite due to their lifecycle and will test positive for this test.  

Admittedly, the administering of antigen tests by vet clinics is a source of frustration.  Often vet clinics will unethically use the positive antigen test to undergo an additional round of parasite prevention medication and monthly fecal tests while painting the breeder as irresponsible.  This behavior is often a manipulative, money driven method of controlling clients through fear.  Just because a puppy has had a parasite in it’s past does not mean it is actively infected.  Of course the antigen test came back positive.  This makes perfect sense if we understand that parasite life cycle.  We have found this type of behavior as problematic, indicating the vet clinic in question should not be trusted.  

Additional Facts about Giardia and Coccidia


  1. Protozoan Parasite: Coccidia are single-celled protozoan parasites that primarily infect the intestinal tracts of animals, including dogs, cats, and other mammals.
  2. Species Diversity: There are various species of Coccidia, with different species infecting different animal hosts. In dogs and cats, the most common species is Isospora canis and Isospora felis, respectively.
  3. Lifecycle: Coccidia have a complex lifecycle involving both sexual and asexual stages. They reproduce within the cells lining the intestine, leading to the shedding of oocysts (eggs) in the feces, which can then infect other animals.
  4. Environmental Resistance: Coccidia oocysts are highly resistant to environmental conditions and can survive for extended periods in the environment, making them a persistent threat to animals in contaminated areas.
  5. Transmission Routes: Transmission of Coccidia typically occurs through ingestion of contaminated food, water, or soil containing infective oocysts. Direct contact with infected feces is another common route of transmission.
  6. Age Susceptibility: While Coccidia can infect animals of any age, puppies and kittens are particularly susceptible due to their immature immune systems. Stressful conditions can also increase susceptibility to infection.
  7. Clinical Signs: Infected animals may exhibit symptoms such as diarrhea (which can sometimes be bloody), vomiting, lethargy, and poor appetite. Severe cases can lead to dehydration and weight loss.
  8. Diagnosis: Diagnosis of Coccidia infection is typically made through fecal examination, where the presence of oocysts is detected microscopically. Veterinarians may perform specialized tests such as fecal flotation or PCR for accurate diagnosis.
  9. Treatment: Treatment of Coccidia infection usually involves anti-parasitic medications such as sulfonamides or potentiated sulfas. Supportive care, including fluid therapy, may also be necessary in severe cases.
  10. Prevention: Preventing Coccidia infection involves maintaining good hygiene practices, such as cleaning and disinfecting living areas regularly, minimizing contact with potentially contaminated environments, and promptly treating infected animals.


  1. Flagellated Protozoan: Giardia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that infects the small intestine of mammals, including dogs, cats, and humans.
  2. Distinctive Shape: Giardia has a distinctive pear or teardrop shape with a concave ventral side and a convex dorsal side. It moves with a characteristic tumbling motion due to its flagella.
  3. Common Worldwide: Giardia is one of the most common intestinal parasites found in humans and animals worldwide. It is known to cause diarrheal illness in both humans and animals.
  4. Zoonotic Potential: Certain species and strains of Giardia have zoonotic potential, meaning they can be transmitted between animals and humans. This underscores the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation measures.
  5. Cyst Form: Giardia exists in two forms: the trophozoite (active) and the cyst (inactive). The cyst form is environmentally resistant and can survive for extended periods in water and soil, serving as a source of infection.
  6. Transmission Routes: Transmission of Giardia occurs through ingestion of cysts via contaminated food, water, or direct contact with infected feces. It can also be transmitted through contaminated surfaces or objects.
  7. Intermittent Shedding: Infected animals may intermittently shed Giardia cysts in their feces, making diagnosis challenging. Multiple fecal examinations may be necessary to detect the parasite accurately.
  8. Symptoms: Clinical signs of Giardia infection in animals include diarrhea (which can be intermittent), vomiting, weight loss, and lethargy. Some infected animals may not show any symptoms.
  9. Diagnosis: Diagnosis of Giardia infection is typically made through fecal examination, where the presence of cysts or trophozoites is detected microscopically. Alternatively, rapid diagnostic tests and PCR-based assays are available for accurate diagnosis.
  10. Treatment: Treatment of Giardia infection usually involves anti-parasitic medications such as metronidazole or fenbendazole. Supportive care, including fluid therapy and dietary management, may also be necessary.
  11. Prevention: Preventing Giardia infection involves practicing good hygiene, such as ensuring access to clean water, avoiding contaminated environments, and promptly treating infected animals. Regular fecal examinations and deworming are also important preventive measures.


The natural life cycle of parasites makes them difficult to eliminate.  Only an effective and orderly prevention plan, along with a clean environment can reduce the risk of parasites.  We have had great success in controlling parasites like giardia and coccidia in our bulldogs by utilizing an orderly prevention plan and sticking to it.  

Additional Resources

Vet4bulldog, The Spruce Pets

Check Out our Available Puppies Here


Bruiser Bulldog’s Reviews

  • I've grown up with english bulldogs my whole life. I am familiar with common and uncommon health problems they may face so when my boyfriend and I decided we were ready to adopt our own english puppy finding a reputable breeder that prioritizes health was most important to us. Erica and Mitch of Bruiser Bulldogs are just that. They are experienced, ethical and quality breeders. I was referred to them by my friend that I trust after I saw their gorgeous healthy puppy. Our Puppy Primrose is the light of our lives! Bruisers was there to assist us every step of the way. We would highly recommend Bruisers Bulldogs to anyone looking for their own happy, healthy pup!

    Leah H. Avatar
    Leah H.
  • We, like many of the other people who found Bruisers, did a lot of research to find a responsible breeder, especially since English Bulldogs can have health issues and because there is a trend now for "trendy" bulldogs (blue, etc.) which have even more health issues. We were lucky to have come across Bruiser Bulldogs and even more so the fact that they were near our family and hometown made it even better. We have had Clementine (Callie) for four months now, and she is a wonderful dog. Her personality is amazing, and I think part of it is breeding and the other part is Erika and her family lovingly raising the puppies in their home with plenty of attention and snuggles. I also was impressed that, rather than send the puppies out right at 8 weeks, Erika kept ours for a few extra weeks because she was tiny and not read to leave her mom yet. It's that care that differentiates Bruisers from other breeders.

    Emily R. Avatar
    Emily R.
  • We found Bruiser Bulldogs after researching healthy breeding line for bulldog puppies. Erica was easy to work with thru the entire process from application to adopting and now beyond as we host our new family member, Chief. Her on-call support and willingness to provide open, honest advice to all of our questions and concerns continues to be appreciated. We would highly recommend Bruiser Bulldogs to anyone looking for an English Bulldog to join their family.

    Elizabeth W. Avatar
    Elizabeth W.
  • Lady L. Avatar
    Lady L.
  • Bruiser Bulldogs are 5-star breeders! They are experienced, responsive and knowledgeable about all things bulldog related. They went above and beyond for us and are truly dedicated to all of their pups! We love our little girl so much and would recommend Bruiser to anyone looking for a healthy beautiful bully.

    Jonathan E. Avatar
    Jonathan E.
  • Bruiser Bulldogs is a 5-star breeder in every way. Erica and Mitch are trustworthy, excellent communicators, fair, passionate, and produce the best bulldogs.We were at the top of the waiting list for months and Erica reached out every litter to see if we were finally ready for a bulldog. When we were, she was very easy to work with. Her knowledge on bulldogs is outstanding. We had many questions on the process and she always knew what was best for the puppy.We've had Penny (formerly Blair) for two months and she is very healthy, energetic, playful, and sweet. She is great with other people and dogs. We are so happy with our pup.When we are ready for bulldog #2, we will only consider Bruiser Bulldogs.

    Mitch C. Avatar
    Mitch C.
  • We waited a while to write this review so that we had a better sense for the overall health of our Bruiser Bulldog “Bowser”. Bowser was born April 2020 and is an integral part of our family. When we were first exploring English Bulldog breeders our biggest concern was the overall health of the dogs. We decided to work with Erica at Bruiser Bulldogs because we liked their focus on improving the breeds breathing abilities and the fact that the puppies are raised within her family environment before coming home with their new owners.As for Bowsers health, he’s a health energetic English Bulldog that has no problem keeping up with the kids, going on 2 mi walks and camping with us on a regular basis. Bowser also breaths clearly and our vet was impressed with his overall health from the moment we brought him home. All that said we know English Bulldogs have a predisposition to many health issues and that his current health can not predict the future. With that In mind its important to start with a breeder that open to answer any of your questions as Erica has ours, and that strongly believes in improving the breeds overall health profile.

    Adam B. Avatar
    Adam B.
  • After the loss of our first English Bulldog due to health issues it was very important for us to find a breeder who did not breed only for aesthetic but more importantly for health. My sister ended up finding Bruiser Bulldogs and we knew right away that they were the breeder for us.In September we ended up driving 9 hours to pick up two Bruiser bulldog puppies- one for my husband and I and one for my mom. Jackson and Penelope have been nothing but a joy. They are very social and very friendly to everyone they meet including kids and other dogs/animals. They are both very athletic and healthy. They are also HUGE snugglers and always want to be with you. It is an absolute pleasure having these two bullies in our lives! My sister and her fiancé also fell in love with them and now are on the waitlist themselves for a Bruiser bulldog!Erica is very knowledgeable about the breed. She is very hands on throughout the process and is just overall a kind and honest person to work with.With all that being said I cannot recommend Bruiser Bulldogs enough!

    Collyn C. Avatar
    Collyn C.
  • We fell in love with our puppy the moment we saw him. One of the reasons we chose Bruiser Bulldogs was due to the claims about breeding for health. During our first visit at our vet's office, he told us that our pup was one of the healthiest English bulldogs he had ever seen. He is healthy, happy and social. Would recommend to anyone.

    Christina S. Avatar
    Christina S.
  • What an awesome experience! We seen our dog on their website and sent them an Email. Mitch called us and personally walked us through the process and made sure we had the right dog for our family. We couldn't be happier when we picked up our dog Ramsey, Erica made sure we had everything we needed and then some. They are truly amazing people who breed truly amazing dogs!

    Jim T. Avatar
    Jim T.